Frequently Asked Questions

General program information and policies

We offer certifications for everyone! The Vantage Certified Associate is for anyone interested in Teradata and does not require any hands-on experience. Teradata customers, partners, consultants and employees who design, administer, support or write applications using Teradata are candidates for the Teradata Certification.

Vantage Associate 2.3 Exam - the last day of exam is May 31st, 2024.
Vantage Associate 2.4 Exam

Vantage 2 Track:

VantageCloud Lake Track:

All the available (current) exams will not expire and candidates do not need to re-certify. 

Teradata requires your review and acceptance of the “Teradata Certification Candidate Agreement” (which conforms to IT industry standards) each time you take a certification exam. The agreement contains non-disclosure obligations, trademark license rights, termination rights, disclaimers of warranties and limitations of liability, and privacy clauses. It is recommended that you download the Teradata Candidate Agreement and review it carefully before your exam appointment.

A personalized certificate, camera ready logo artwork, and Logo Usage Guidelines can be downloaded and printed from the Teradata Certification Tracking System. In addition, you will receive an email from Acclaim to claim your digital badge.

Vantage Certified Masters will receive a medallion and masters jacket.

The Teradata Certification Logo Usage Guidelines and logo artwork can be downloaded from the Teradata Certification Tracking System. As stated in the Teradata Certification Candidate Agreement, you are required to adhere to the guidelines and protect the logo you have earned from un-authorized use. Digital badges can be used on many social media forums, in email signatures, and electronic resumes. Be sure to include the metadata (URL) when using a digital badge.

Teradata certified individuals have access to their exam records and certifications in the Teradata Certification Tracking System. Access the Tracking System to create a transcript of exams and certifications for third party verification. Go to the Results & Cert Verification page for additional information. Finally, you can have your prospective employer validate your certification by providing your certificate number to them.

Digital badges can also be used for credential verification with one simple click.

Ask the certified candidate to provide one of the following: a digital badge, a transcript, their certificate number that can be entered in the Certificate Verification System. Alternatively, you can email the Teradata Certification for credential verification.

Certifications achieved in the V2R3, V2R5, Teradata 12 and Teradata 14 Certification tracks will not expire, like a diploma. However, due to Teradata technology advances and changes, credentials may become outdated and obsolete. At that time, Teradata Certification will no longer support certifications from the track that has become obsolete.

Effective July 15, 2013, V2R3 Certifications are no longer supported.

Effective August 8, 2017, V2R5 Certifications are no longer supported.

Effective December 31, 2019, Teradata 12 Certifications are no longer supported.

All Vantage Certifications except for Associate Certifications earned on or after July 1, 2020, have expiration dates.

  • Vantage Certified Associate earned prior to July 1, 2020, expires 5 years from the date that the exam was passed.
  • Vantage Certified Administration, Advanced Administration, Developer, Advanced Developer and System Architect – expire 3 years from the date that the exam was passed.
  • Upcoming certifications – Administration, Data Engineering, Architecture, Analytics and Data Science do NOT expire.

Teradata V2R3, V2R5, Teradata 12, and Teradata 14 Certifications do not expire. They remain “supported” until technology has advanced, making the certifications no longer current in the marketplace. Certification transcripts will indicate that the certification is no longer supported. Once your certification is no longer supported you will not have access to the following:

  • Certification logos for business cards
  • Official Certificates
  • Exclusive marketing and promotional offers
  • Beta Exam participation
  • Masters Forum privileges (Masters only)
  • Exclusive gift at Teradata Analytics Universe annual conference (Masters only)

Preparing for Exams / Study Guides / APP

Review the recommended Teradata courses and the recommended experience level shown on the appropriate Teradata Certification web page to help you determine your knowledge of each topic. Review the Exam Objectives for a list of all content areas in which you should be proficient. Teradata Certification also offers free sample questions for each exam to help you further assess your skills.

Teradata Customer Education offers a full suite of authorized Teradata courses in different delivery formats to help you prepare for certification exams. Each Certification exam webpage provides a list of recommended courses for each certification level. Visit Teradata University for course catalogs and enrollment details.

Refer to the Advanced SQL Engine technical user documentation manuals that are available on-line at Information Products Home Page.

Each of the computer-based exams challenges you to apply specific knowledge acquired through Teradata training, self-study and/or job experience.

  • Vantage exams are multiple-choice exams in which you select one response for each question. Occasionally, other question type like matching questions are offered.

The number of items on an exam is not disclosed for any Teradata Certification exam. This policy helps protect content and enhance the security of the exam. Below is the amount of testing time allowed for each exam:

Vantage Track

Exam# and Name Testing Time (hours)*
TDBL1-16.20 Associate Exam 1.25
TDBL2-16.10 Administrator Exam 2.25
TDBL3-16.10 Advanced Administrator Exam 2.25
TDBL4-16.20 Developer Exam 2.25
TDBL5-16.20 Advanced Developer 2.33
TDBL6-16.20 System Architect 1.75

*The exam duration shown is the amount of time allowed for answering exam questions. The Test Delivery Provider may add time to your total appointment to provide the opportunity to get seated, read the Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) and complete the tutorial (if applicable) before you start the exam and participate in a survey at the end of the exam (if applicable).

Teradata Certification does not provide a numerical score result for any Teradata Certification exam. A uniformly applied passing score is set during the exam development process and all scoring is done outside the testing center by a trusted, Teradata third party vendor. If you do not pass an exam, your Notice of Exam Results document will indicate areas where a 50% or better score was not achieved. These are areas for recommended further study and concentration prior to sitting for an exam retake. The Exam Results document is available for download from the Teradata Certification Tracking System.

Teradata Certification provides free sample questions for each exam. These sample questions are available on the Exam Prep page for each certification. The practice questions do not contain the exact questions you will be required to answer during your exam. The practice questions are examples of the format used on the actual certification exams.

I greatly appreciate this question. The TD14 track had review manuals but we got very mixed feedback on them. We know that this is an issue. Currently, we have learning materials posted for both beta exams on the “exam prep” tab for each exam. This is what the exam prep tab looks like for the Analytics beta exam.

Click on the learning tool link and there will be information by exam objective. We are determining what the learning materials will be for the live exam — for all next offerings.

We also ALWAYS provide the Exam Objectives (another tab on the same page above) and free sample questions for all Vantage exams to help candidates identify where there may be learning gaps.

Scheduling Exams

All Teradata Certification exams are proctored and delivered globally through Pearson VUE Testing Centers in locations all over the world. These exams are also offered via online proctoring in your home or office. You must register and schedule exams at Pearson VUE.

To find a test center, schedule an appointment, or find additional information about registration visit the Pearson VUE website.

Teradata Certification Exam fees range from approximately $149 to $299 (USD) based on the exam taken and your location. Exam fees will be displayed during the on-line registration process.

Download Pearson VUE’s ID Policy document to review all acceptable forms of ID.

Provisional exam results will be given at the completion of any Teradata Certification exam. Within a period of 3 to 21 days from your test date, you will receive an e-mail notification stating your exam results are available in the tracking system. You can then access the tracking system and obtain your Official Notice of Exam Results. Passing percentages or numbered scores will not be assigned to any Teradata Certification Exams.

Exam Results can be retrieved from the Teradata Certification Tracking System.

Discount Vouchers from Pearson VUE: Volume discount exam vouchers can be purchased for yourself or for your company through Pearson VUE. Visit Vouchers & Promos for additional information.

Teradata Customer Education Bundles: Training packages are available that include Teradata Certification exam vouchers at discount prices. Customer Education can be reached by e-mail at, or for a list of Teradata University Representatives click Teradata University Contact Us link.

Teradata employees only: Teradata employees with a valid QuickLook ID should select the Registration and Payment link from the internal Teradata Certification SharePoint site (You must be behind the Teradata firewall to access this page.) Vouchers can be obtained at 30% off for all Teradata employees.

For information on current exam fee discounts and promotions click Vouchers & Promos.

Teradata Certification Tracks

Vantage Certification Exams: A failed exam may be retaken after a twenty-one-calendar day waiting period.

  • The twenty-one-calendar day waiting period begins from the date of the failed exam attempt.
  • You will be required to schedule a new appointment and pay for the exam.
  • You may attempt an exam a maximum of three times during a six-month period.
  • Re-taking a passed exam to extend a certification’s expiration date is allowed after one year from the previously passed attempt.

You will have to schedule and pay for any exam that you may need to retake.

Hands-on experience, supporting education, training methods and the certification level you choose as your goal are all factors in determining how much preparation will be required before you take each exam. The highest-level certification, Teradata Certified Vantage Master, may take up to 36 months to complete. This is only an average time frame. Teradata Certification does not mandate a specific time frame that you must complete a certification level. Please note that since some Vantage certifications have expiration dates, exam candidates need to ensure that required exams are valid and current (not expired) while attempting to test higher level job role exams.

Exams in the Vantage Track are based on the most current release of Vantage software that was available at the time that the exam was created. Exams will continue to be updated based on new Teradata releases. To find out which release the exam is based on, check the appropriate exam pages or email Teradata Certification.

Bypass options allow Teradata 14 Certification holders, in good standing, to bypass required exams in the Vantage Track. Certifications are not awarded for any bypassed exams. Please note, there will not be any eligibility requirements for new exams being created so bypasses will not be needed for the upcoming exams.

Teradata 14 Certification holders do have bypass options available for the current Vantage Track.

Teradata 14 Certified Masters must pass the Advanced Administrator, Advanced Developer, and System Architect Exams to obtain the Vantage Certified Master Certification. All related certifications must remain active to keep the Master Certification.

There will be new Master options with the release of the upcoming exams, including Vantage Master 2.0 and Vantage Data Science Master.

Vantage Master 2.0 certifications will be obtained by earning the following certifications:

  • Vantage Administration (Beta exam available in 2021)
  • Teradata Vantage Architecture (Beta exam available in 2022)
  • Teradata Vantage Data Engineering (Beta exam available in 2021)

Vantage Data Science Master certifications will be obtained by earning the following certifications:

  • Teradata Vantage Analytics (Beta exam available October 2020!)
  • Teradata Vantage Data Science (Beta exam available October 2020!)
  • Teradata Vantage Data Engineering (Beta exam available in 2021)

Exams based on Teradata V2R3 were retired on June 30, 2004 and the corresponding certifications were unsupported on July 15, 2013.

The six exams in the Teradata V2R5 Certification Track were retired on March 31, 2010 and are no longer supported. The Masters Update Exam NR0-017 was retired on December 31, 2010 and is no longer supported.

The Teradata 12 track exams TE0-121 through TE0-126 were retired September 30, 2014 and are no longer supported. The Teradata 12 Mastery exams TE0-12Q and TE0-127 were retired March 31, 2015 and are no longer supported.

The Teradata 12 Business User Certification Track was retired on January 31, 2016 and is no longer supported.

The Teradata Aster Certification Track was retired on June 30, 2018 and is no longer supported.

The Teradata 14 track exams were retired December 31, 2019.

No. These next set of exams do not have any prerequisites. Based on feedback that we received, candidates will be able to take the exam that they believe they are prepared for.

In the past, we were focused on the Teradata Database and had a Master achievement focused on “administrative and build” personas. Vantage changed that and we now have “Analyze” certification personas. in turn, we believe that this differentiation justifies and highlights the two types of Masters that are now part of our certification culture.

The Administrator, Advanced Administrator, Developer, Advanced Developer and System Architect certifications are valid for 3 years, after which that exam or a higher level exam would need to be passed to maintain the certification. For Associate exams passed before July 1, 2020, the Associate certification is valid for 5 years and the same logic as above exists. For Associate exams passed on or after July 1, 2020, there is no expiration date for the certification.

Our new offering (which includes Analytics, Data Science, Data Engineering, Architecture and Administration) does NOT have any prerequisites to test and the certifications do NOT expire.

Vouchers are never required but Teradata employees get 30% off of exam prices if they download an employee voucher at the SharePoint site. (VPN must be on.)

Beta exams always require exam vouchers. They can be obtained by emailing Teradata Certification. The exams that are in beta now are the Analytics and Data Science exams. Those exams are greatly reduced and offered at $75 with the voucher.

Everyone else: 25% off through 12/31/20 using the voucher code VANTAGE25

Tracking Results and Certification Progress

The tracking system is a secure credential management platform designed for maintaining your exam results and certification history. It allows creation of transcripts for passed exams and earned certifications. In addition, third parties can verify credentials.

The first time you access the tracking system choose the Never logged in before? link then enter your email address. An automated email will be sent to you with additional instructions. You will use the Teradata (TDC) Testing ID and a password set by you to access the tracking system thereafter.

Exam Results and Certification History can only be retrieved from the Teradata Certification Tracking System. Once you access the tracking system your exam results can be found by selecting the History tab and then Download under the exam results column.

Within a period of 3 to 21 days from your test date, you will receive e-mail notification stating your official Notice of Exam Results are available. You can then access the tracking system to obtain your pass/fail exam results, electronic certificate, and logo. Vantage exam candidates receive preliminary results on site.

Your certificate can be downloaded and printed after completing all required exams. You will receive an e-mail notification stating that you may download your personalized certificate, camera ready logo artwork, and Logo Usage Guidelines from the Teradata Certification Tracking System. You will also receive an email from Acclaim inviting you to accept your newly earned digital badge.

Vantage Masters will receive a medallion and jacket to recognize their achievement.

If you forget your Teradata (TDC) Testing ID, password, or are unable to access the tracking system, you may e-mail Teradata Certification at:

No. we do not publish this information but please be assured that pass rates are based on psychometric analysis.

There is a 3 week waiting period before retaking any Vantage exam. Beta exams can only be taken once.

Digital Badging

A digital badge is a representation of a credential or accomplishment that can be shared across the web. Digital badges contain metadata that allows a third party to verify your accomplishments including the criteria required to earn the badge and the period for which a badge is valid.

Badging allows earners to represent their credentials securely across social media outlets, forums, digital resumes and email signatures. When earners share their badge, employers can validate credentials with one click. Also, it allows earners to display their credential for many more views than a paper or electronic PDF certificate.

Eligible badge earners will receive an email message from Credly with a link to create an account and how to claim their badge.

Acclaim is a product of Credly, formerly part of Pearson, the world’s leading learning company. Acclaim offers a digital badging platform based on Mozilla’s Open Badges standards.

If you believe you should have earned a badge but did not receive it, email the Teradata Certification Candidate Support mailbox. Teradata Certification will then work with Credly to ensure that your badge is issued.

No, Teradata Certification has unsupported V2R3 and V2R5 certifications, therefore badges will not be awarded. Consider updating your certification to a more current track.

Earners can manage and share badges to common social media sites (e.g., Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+, and Twitter) and other online destinations, display badges within their email signature, or digital resumes.

You are in control of your badge and required to set up on the social media sites you select. If you don’t want to share your badge no action is needed by you.

Yes, certificates and logos for Teradata Certifications will continue to be available from the Teradata Certification Tracking System.

The digital image file contains metadata that links to your credential and the Teradata process to earn that credential. This prohibits anyone trying to claim it as their credential.

If you have questions about your badge, please visit The Support team will help answer questions about your badge account or navigation. If there are questions related to your certifications details, email

There is no fee to create an Credly account, claim, or share your badge. Digital badging is free.

Credly issues badges from many other organizations and any badge you are issued through the platform will appear in your Credly profile. Credly does not allow importing of badges into your profile from outside platforms. You can export your Teradata badge from the Credly platform and display it elsewhere online.

Yes, you can download your badge image and associated metadata from Credly's sharing options.

Yes, instructions can be found on the Teradata Certification SharePoint page.

Yes, you can look at the skills of any Teradata badge and then click on the skill and be redirected to potential jobs that relate to the badge earner’s skillset.