Teradata Corporation Code of Conduct

accessed by those who need to know it to do their jobs. We cannot share this information even with fellow associates or transfer it across borders without appropriate authorization. You should take precautions to label any document or e-mail containing confidential and/or private information as Teradata Confidential Information.

Because confidential information is not always marked, if you are uncertain about whether use or disclosure is proper, review applicable Teradata policies (e.g., CMP 1402 and CMP 204) regarding protecting information and ask your manager or the Teradata Law Department before you use or disclose the information.

Third-Party Intellectual Property

Teradata respects the intellectual property of its vendors, suppliers, and competitors, and expects other parties to respect Teradata’s intellectual property. Each Teradata associate must use only properly licensed software or other intellectual property. Our associates must not download software or other intellectual property without the knowledge or approval of the Teradata Procurement or IT teams. You should be aware that use of stock photography, music, open source code or text in any Teradata produced material, such as Microsoft® PowerPoint® or other presentations, can put the Company at risk. You must ensure Teradata or its vendors have the appropriate licenses and ability to use such material before it is incorporated in presentations or other media.

We may use open source computer code, which is often freely available, in connection with Teradata intellectual property. However, the licensing terms for some open source computer code could mean that related (or even unrelated) Teradata intellectual property might be placed in the public domain. This is particularly a concern if the open source computer code is embedded in our products in certain ways or is not used in accordance with certain requirements that are necessary to avoid that consequence.

Teradata has adopted and applies Intellectual Property and open source content policies, practices, and procedures. Associates involved in activities related to such must be familiar with and comply with them. If you have any questions about Intellectual Property or open source content, contact your manager or the Teradata Law Department.

Teradata Certified Professional Programs

Our Company provides us with the resources we need to obtain professional certifications. Those taking certification exams must read and understand the TCPP Security Policy BEFORE obtaining exam study material and/or taking any exams. Certification exam content (both the questions and answer options) is part of Teradata’s intellectual property and is not to be shared or discussed with anyone in any manner. People or entities that copy, distribute, post, receive, download, buy, or sell our proprietary materials are violating laws, Teradata rights, and Teradata policies. Associates must refrain from engaging in any such activity. If you come across any such materials, you should report it to TCPP Security (e-mail at TCPP.Security@teradata.com).

Data Protection

Teradata has built a well-deserved reputation as an organization that has earned the trust and respect of our customers. We must uphold that trust and respect by protecting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data, including personal information. Each of us must follow all relevant procedures for processing and handling confidential data, such as:

Allowing access only by authorized persons (e.g., Teradata associates and business partners with a legal and legitimate need to know it) for legitimate Teradata business purposes and associated time periods.

Closely guarding passwords and the technology accessed with those passwords.

Resisting the instinct to be immediately helpful when unverified or unauthorized people seek access to data, funds, or approvals, such as through pre-texting or phishing attempts.